Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2003 Eliza with Strings Attached Concert

Buy tickets to the Show

We need a few more folks for the Eliza Gilkyson shows next week.

Especially in the areas of Sound Production, Stage Managing, and Video Capturing.

Here are the signup lists if you're interested:

December 18th House Show in Georgetown

December 19th Show in Downtown Austin

Can't help at the show, but are willing to help from the comfort of your desk?

Invite your friends to the show here:

Thanks to all of you wonderful folks!


Songs we'll be doing at the show:

Friday, May 2, 2008

Want to help us get a hit on Youtube!! Without having to spend a penny on advertising.

1) If you can help with the show tommorow night let me know. Email

2) I've launched a YouTube video campaign to promote our Sgt. Pepper album.

The easiest thing you can do to help is to click below and play the whole playlist from top to bottom and get as many of your friends to do the same thing! :)

4) Pass on the playlist to your friends that love the Beatles.
Here's the url:

5) Rate the videos and/or leave some comments. That helps as well!!

6) If you're an expert internet cruiser and you really want to do some work. Checkout this article on viral marketing.

Lets get a hit video on youtube....

P.S. Here's a funny one of Zirkel singing a strange version of Take Me Out to the Ballgame.

Can you tell what's wrong with it?